It's a dog.
Lyla LOVES Reese. I can't even begin to tell you how much she loves Reese. She talks about her ALL the time and normally if we need to get her to do something, we just have to throw in the word Reese and all is right in the word. Now, she loves puppies period. But Reesie is pretty special to her. On the other hand... Reese tolerates her. The love isn't always there when Lyla is stepping on her tail or trying to lay on her or look in her mouth. But Lyla loves kisses from her and Reese loves to lick so it's win win in their book. Lyla will literally put her face in front of Reese and say ahhh so Reese will lick her. Gross I know. But the child loves it. Sean normally yells at Reese for doing it but I tell him he has to yell at Lyla because she's purposely doing it! :)