April 10, 2009

Pop it like its hot...

Yup. It popped.

The belly button has popped and the turkey is done. Except I'm not quite ready for lil missy to make her entrance for about another 17 weeks. I was hoping to make it to at least 24 weeks before any popage but that isn't going to happen. It's not a huge pop, but there is no longer an indention.


Let's see. Tonight was a big night. It was the season finale of Friday Night Lights. I'm so sad it's over and I can't believe it was ended like that. There were WAY to many questions left unanswered. And now I have to wait like 4 months until it starts again.

I pretty much cried through the whole thing. Here's MY recap. Oh, and if you haven't watched the show you can either read or skip down a few paragraphs.

Matt Saracen is the sweetest, most sincere person to be on TV. I love him and Julie together and it's so cute to see him take care of his grandma. I'm so glad in the end he ended up taking her home instead of leaving her at the nursing home. So... if he takes her home, then he's not going to Chicago for school. Right? I'm hoping because he and Julie CAN NOT, and I repeat, can not break up. They have to much of that cuteness factor going on for them.

I'm happy Lyla has decided to go to Vanderbilt after all. This means I can swoop in and heal Riggin's broken heart. Ok, but really. I don't want them to break up either, but I don't see them doing the long distance thing. And I'm glad he's going to go on to San Antonio State and not work with his brother. Billy is dumb. Not a fan. And his new bride looked ghetto with her butterfly looking wedding dress. The stink'n dress had wings on the back. Really?

Tyra... I am so happy for her for getting into UT. For everything this girl has been through, she needed that. And I'm happy she has Landry by her side. They are an odd but cute couple and I love Landry. He's witty. He may say some stupid stuff at times, but he really cares for Tyra and I love that. But his music kinda stinks. Just my opinion.

Coach Taylor - I feel so bad for him for not getting his job back. He made Dillion what it is. Joe McCoy is a evil, back-stabbing man. I'm not a fan of his, btw. Nor of his sons. But that's not the point. I think he's going to take the job at East Dillion. And then I think he's going to have this awesome team, whoop up on Dillion, and win State. He is that great.

I'm so excited for the next season, you have no idea. I'm ready to find out what happens. This is one show I could watch daily, 365 days a year. It's that good. And yes, I know these are all fictional characters and that I'm talking about them like I know them, but again, I LOVE THIS SHOW. I could so be friends with every single one of them. Especially Riggins. Yes. Riggins. MMMmmm. Hotness.

So I think in the end I cried about 4 times including a big bawling session. I'm cool. I know. Oh, then I took a shower and thought about it some more and decided to cry again. Pregnancy hormones are great.

Oh, the pregnancy thing. Ever heard of pregnancy brain? Well, I have it kids. It's totally real. I can't remember things I did 15 minutes ago, let alone where I put something. I went to buy my Dad a birthday present and looked in my purse to get my wallet. Gone. I had no stinkn' idea where it was. I could remember getting gas Wednesday but couldn't remember for the life of me where I put it. Sean ended up finding it in the back of my Durango. I must of put it down when I had to lift that overly obese dog of ours in to the back. I've also misplaced my debit card and had to go and cancel that and get a new one.

Again, I'm so cool.

Oh, back to FNL. Season three comes out on DVD May 19th. Anyone that wants to get Sean (and a bonus for me) a birthday gift, he (and I) would LOVE THIS! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I love Friday Night Lights too. It was so sad but I agree with everything you said! I totally think Coach will take over East Dillon High and make them awesome!


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