October 21, 2011

Good byes

After we visited Max's grave on Saturday we headed to GB to see my Aunt and Uncle before they move back to Georgia. They will be missed! ;) Hopefully a trip will be had sometime soon!

I loved her outfit so we had a 5 minute photo shoot!

My adorable little boy... I love button ups on little boys!

My aunt Barb... I'll miss you!!

A little family picture. We took SO many and only 2 turned out semi decent! With each kid, it gets just a little bit harder! ;)

My aunt and uncle!

Granna (who Lyla calls GiGi now) and Pops

Kevin and Kelci and the babes!

The boys relaxing!

We had a great time visiting and eating! ;) Mom made some great food and I ate like a million cookies! Lyla loved her time with Uncle Bro (Kevin) and Aunt Kelci. (Kelci, she's saying your name right now! ;) ) Cohen loved being loved on and snuggled with! Kelci and I talked baby and I'm even more excited for my new niece or nephew!

Great family weekend!
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