After we visited Max's grave on Saturday we headed to GB to see my Aunt and Uncle before they move back to Georgia. They will be missed! ;) Hopefully a trip will be had sometime soon!
My adorable little boy... I love button ups on little boys!
My aunt Barb... I'll miss you!!
A little family picture. We took SO many and only 2 turned out semi decent! With each kid, it gets just a little bit harder! ;)
My aunt and uncle!
Granna (who Lyla calls GiGi now) and Pops
We had a great time visiting and eating! ;) Mom made some great food and I ate like a million cookies! Lyla loved her time with Uncle Bro (Kevin) and Aunt Kelci. (Kelci, she's saying your name right now! ;) ) Cohen loved being loved on and snuggled with! Kelci and I talked baby and I'm even more excited for my new niece or nephew!
Great family weekend!
Great family weekend!