March 18, 2009

Fluffy Mail

Take a looksie at what I got :)

Fluffy butts! They are Bum Genius pockets and I love em'. I got them from a friend of a friend that tried cloth but wasn't up to it. So I offered to take it off her hands. They are so cute!!! They should work either way, boy or girl. I got 13 of them and they are adjustable to fit 7-35 lbs. So they should last until potty training! I'll need about 15 more and I should be covered!!
I, of course, had to try it out on Miss Reese.
She wasn't a fan.

But her butt looks cute.

Well, that's it folks. I'm off to bed!


  1. Hey Andrea! I happened on your blog and wanted you to know that we use cloth too! It's totally fun and super easy. You can check out my blog: if you want to read more!


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