February 9, 2012

Catching up

The past few days have included: whining(on my part), meds (on my part), bananas and applesauce (on Cohen's part), being a rock star at potty training (Lyla's part) and becoming an annoying Lysol disinfector person (Sean's part). Needless to say, it's been an interesting few days around here!

I ended up getting sick Sunday morning which included a fever, chills and aches so bad that I could have sworn someone took me out back, beat me up and then threw me in front of a bus. There hasn't been enough ibuprofen in the world to keep me feeling better for the past few days. Sean stayed home a half a day on Monday and all of Tuesday to take care of the kiddos. Tuesday I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with an infection of my throat - I had some impressive puss pockets, I was told! A med later, and I feel like a whole new person. My throat is still bothering me, but I have recovered from being beat up and getting thrown in front of that imaginary bus!

Here's a fact about Sean - he is a Lysol cleaning annoying freak when it comes to someone getting sick. He thinks he knows it all when it comes to getting sick and even bought cold medicine because he thought taking it would prevent him from getting anything. Um, Mr. Sean - not so much. Tuesday he pretty much walked around the house with a Lysol can and wouldn't get within a couple feet of me. It's love people! ;)

Lyla is still doing great with potty training! I'm so proud of her. We haven't had an accident at our house for over a week and had done really well out in public. While I was sick, she went to a sitter here in town for the morning and she had 2 accidents, but when she went again yesterday, she did great! :) I will say, for as much as I was dreading this, it has gone so well and I'm enjoying not changing another person's diaper! She also started dance class again last Tuesday and Sean took her! Made me sad...I don't like missing it!

Cohen is doing good and growing! I can't believe he'll be 6 months in about a week. How did this happen. If you look at him though, he doesn't look like a 6 month old in anyway. I would say more like a 4 month old! He's just so tiny! He's now had bananas and loves them and applesauce, but isn't a big fan of that. I'm going to make some sweet potato tonight for him. I also let him play with a sippy cup yesterday and he hated it in his mouth - just like a bottle. News flash for him...my boob gets cut off at a year so he better find something else! ;) His sleeping had also been a problem so Tuesday Sean moved his crib into Lyla's room and Lyla's bed to our room. Lyla was a very independent sleeper and once we moved her to her own room she was sleeping through the night, 10-12 hours at night. Well the first night for Cohen I got up to feed him at 4:30 because he couldn't settle himself down and then got up at 6:30. Last night, he went to sleep at 8, woke at 4:30, fussed for a little while (maybe on and off for 30 minutes) and went back to sleep until 7! :) YAY!!!! I know crying it out can seem mean, but it really works for my kiddos!

Lyla loves being in our room and even asked to go to sleep last night at 8:15 and wanted to sleep in her new bed. Apparently putting her old bed in our rooms constitutes a new bed! The past 2 nights she has been so excited to go to bed and take naps. One night she didn't even want to pray, just jumped in the bed, got under her blanket and closed her eyes! If this is what it takes for her to go to bed this easy, we'll start moving her bed around every week! ;) Also, this makes me beyond ready for a new house that has more than 2 bedrooms! I never thought my 2 year old would be sleeping in our room!

By the way, we may be homeless in about a month - anyone want to house us?? ;)
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