April 18, 2011

24 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Jay weighs little over a lb and 12 inches long - about the size of an ear of corn.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: As of this morning, 24 lbs. My guess is I'll be gaining 45+ pounds with this kid. We did eat a whole lotta food yesterday, so hopefully that number will go down in a few days. Numerous people have said they gained more with their 2nd kid and also gained the most with boys. Eek!
Maternity Clothes: Pants and some shirts
Gender: Baby Jay is a BOY! He does have a name and we are so excited! Love it!
Movement:Regularly! Love it! You can also see my belly move now.
Sleep: Sleep is not going well. Recently I have to get up to pee around 5 and then also my hips and arms fall asleep numerous times so I'm always tossing and turning.
What I miss: Being skinny! Ha!
Cravings:Water, fruity stuff, Red Robin (still haven't had that and doubt I will!). Mac & Cheese & steak...but don't worry. Not together!
Symptoms:Crying and peeing all the time, and being hungry 24.7. Otherwise, I'm doing really good!
Best Moment this week: Hitting 24 weeks! Week of viability!
I had my appt with my doc last Friday and things are good. Heartbeat was 150 and I'm measuring right on even though baby is measuring small. I spoke with my doc about how I DO NOT want to be induced this time. He agreed that my due date will probably be around...get this.. August 17th. Anyone know what day that is? That will be our princess's birthday! Ha! But we will worry about all that when I get closer. So I'm guessing even though, I'm 24 weeks, instead of having 16 weeks to go, I probably have 18!