April 17, 2012

Easter part 1

Dying Easter eggs!!! I've done this with Abi since Sean and I started dating the 2nd time!  I had painted the kitchen that day and Brenda had come over to watch the kids while I did so.  Then Gary, Dan, Nee and the girls came over for dinner!  We BBQ'd for the first time in our new house! ;) 

Lyla didn't really get the concept of the whole dying process as she liked to just dump the egg and didn't want to wait for it to change colors! ;) But we successfully dyed 35 eggs - one had died in the boiling process.

 Here is a little sampling of the new kitchen color!  It took me a little while, but it has grown on me and I love it now!

 We wrote all the name on the eggs that would be at Easter for the Easter egg hunt!

Love this time with all my girls! Next year we'll have a boy to add to the chaos! ;)
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