September 22, 2008

Day 1...

was not a good start. Hope this isn't the vibe for the next 3 months! Anyways, here's the vitals. Weight: 135 - gag me :S
Hoping to lose 15 lbs by Christmas day! Basically breaks down to like 1.1 lbs per week!

Today was Miss Wanda's birthday in the office so we had an office lunch! The office manager ordered Quizno's (loves it) so of course I pig out. I did well with breakfast but not lunch or supper. I get home, super exhausted and end up eating a frozen pizza. Oh and don't worry, I didn't just eat 1 or 2 pieces. Try the whole shabang... nice one girlfriend! Like I said, I'm off to a bad start! Good thing I don't have to weigh until next monday. Oh, and I didn't workout either...double whammy! :) Oh and can't do much tomorrow since we have our niece's birthday party! I can't believe she'll be 4 on Wednesday!!!!

Ok, wish me better luck tomorrow!



  1. Ha! I knew we were close in weight! :P I suck to. It's okay, we can be sucky together!

  2. Hey, I blogged AND commented in ONE NIGHT!


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