I'm pretty impressed with myself that I managed to get his 3 month pictures done before he turned 4 months! :) Actually I waited a little longer because I wanted him to be able to hold his head up really well for a couple minutes at a time. Makes taking the pictures a little easier on me! :) I did these in about 3 different sessions - one of the pro's about being the photographer. I can do them/squeeze them in whenever I want! One of the cons... it's hard to get him to smile when I'm hiding behind a camera!
So enjoy Cohen's 3 month pictures. I know I'm biased, but I think he's stinkn' adorable. I could just eat him up. Oh, and his wrinkles on his forehead... love them. He may need botox though before he's 10! :)
I'm SO behind in blogging. I still have Turkey day to blog about, if I'm correct. If not that, then the Steelers game. You know, the one where the Steelers beat the Chiefs? Yes, that one! :)
I've also got Christmas posts, Cohen turning 4 months (really?!!!), Cohen's 3 month pictures, and more. I'll get on that...soon! For now... I'm enjoying some snow days, a perk of being a WAHM!
And for now...2 of my loves the other night. Sean normally puts her to bed (after she asks to "sleep mommy daddy bed" a million times). Loves these two!
Oh this boy has stolen my heart. His smiles, his giggles, his coos. Love everything about him!
- We weighed you today (1/3/12) and on our scale he weighed 12 lbs 2 ounces, so he was probably just under 12 lbs at his 4 month birthday! You have a 4 month appointment next Tuesday, so I'll update then! - You are wearing 0-3 and some 3-6 month stuff. -You are wearing size 1 shoes and size 1 diapers. I haven't had you in cloth diapers for quite some time, so hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon.
-You are sleeping around 10 hours straight, wake up to eat and then go back to sleep for another 2 or 3 hours. -You take around 2-3 naps during the day, anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour and a half. - You fight your naps almost every single day.
-You are a constant eater. You still nurse every 2-4 hours and will not take a bottle from me or your dad. But you will take a bottle from other people as long as I'm not there.
- You are a rolling machine. Anytime we lay you on your back you automatically go to your stomach. You can roll over to your back from your stomach but you don't do it very often. -You love to sit up and see what is going on. You get bored on the floor after a little while. -You are tripod sitting for little periods at a time.
- You are finally starting to giggle more often. You coo and talk and love to blow bubbles a lot but your hard laughs don't come very often. - You still love attention and love to be talked to. You'll smile instantly and throw your arms and legs around. But you are also a bit needy with all the attention you want! -You are starting to interact with your sister a little more. She adores you!!! - We think you have an allergy to our laundry detergent as your skin is always broke out everywhere your clothes touch you. -Your cradle cap is pretty much all gone! -We got out your jumperoo and you are hit and miss with liking it. I'm ok with you not wanting to be in it, but I'm not ready for you to grow up!
I took Christmas pictures of the kiddos the other day and overall, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I tried, really really hard to get one of them together and didn't even get one. But I got super cute ones of them alone.
I've seen a bunch of cute ones on Pinterest so I had to try it out. I wish I was this creative to think this up!
Isn't he sweet?!?!
And her... oh my. She makes me so happy! I'm so blessed to be this sweet girls momma!
She LOVES Miss Reese! And thought it was so funny that Reese was wearing a hat!
My very very favorite of this fella!
LOVE this of her!
She was a PAIN while taking these. She's big into pouting right now and all she wanted to do was play angry birds on my phone. The girl loves angry birds. Here is proof of her taking a break to play birds for a minute.
After that wore off, I told her I was going to call Uncle Bro and tell her she was being naughty. She found that hilarious for some reason, so after many fake calls to Uncle Bro, I got some cute, genuine smiles out of her!
And Mr. Cohen was easy peasy! That boy melts my heart!
Lyla-isms: I can't remember if I've wrote this or not, but Lyla likes to call Sean, daddy sean. I'm not really sure why but whenever he doesn't answer her right away, then she normally calls him daddy sean. So this morning, I didn't answer her fast enough and she called me mommy sean :)
Her new phrase is, "I'm fine" whenever we ask if she wants/needs or something. Or say, I asked her if I could do her hair, she told me no, that she was fine! :) She'll normally give you a little flip of the wrist at the same time too!
She loves cat in the hat right now so today something was wrong with the TV this morning so she kept asking to go watch cat in the hat in the car. Needless to say, we did not go watch it in the car! :)
Whenever I need her to do something but she won't do it, one of the things I bribe her with is angry birds on my phone! She'll almost always do what I ask. Most often it is her letting me do her hair.
I was doing her Christmas pictures today and to get her to smile I told her that I was going to call uncle bro and tell her she was being naughty. Every time I pretended to get on my phone, she started laughing, giving me genuine smiles!
I just love that little girl!
This little boy is getting so big! I can't believe he'll be 4 months in just a few days. Jeez!
Every time we lay him on his back, he flips to his tummy right away. He was loving on his little caterpillar today! The little ball is a favorite of his too! If he's crying, we just shake it in front of him and he'll grab on and try to eat it!
We've been so busy the last few weeks and everytime Lyla does something cute or says something funny, I always say, I need to write this down. But I always forget! Sad...
So what's been new around here?
Mr. Cohen no longer likes to lay on his back! He's now a rolling machine! However, once he gets to his tummy, he normally gets mad because he can't figure out what else to do! He can roll from his tummy to his back, but most of the time it is just from back to tummy. He's also started "real" laughing, which is adorable! He will almost always instantly smile at you when you talk to him, but it takes some work to get some laughs out of him. He loves to "talk" and be talked to! He's a drooling machine right now too! His cradle cap is almost 100% better and the boy has started sleeping 8 hours straight at night ( at least for the last 5 days). I'm sure I just jinxed that one for me! :)
Miss Lyla is so fun right now! She's talking up a storm and repeats everything! She's finally starting to get the hang of counting but does it on her terms. She still thinks every color is red! Someday we'll get there!
One of the funny things she's doing right now is whenever I drop her off at the sitters to play, I always tell her no biting, to have a sweet heart and to play nice. So today before she went to Char's house, she was carrying around her purse and baby and had on a hat and her bracelets and told me she was going to Char's. I told her love you and she goes, be nice, happy heart, no bite. :) So I think she's paying attention to me! :) Haha! Luckily, everyone says she's a sweet girl and acts so good, and we agree! Just love her to death!
She's still coming up to our bed in the middle of the night and we are still to tired/lazy to take her back to her bed. The one time we tried, she was back up in just a few minutes!
She also loves to skype. I was working on my computer one night and she went to go get hers and sat next to me and told me she was skyping Bro and Kelci! Now whenever she she's me on my computer she'll say, Skype, mommy?
Oh, and her funny for today was, we were in the car going to Char's and she tells me, Mommy, Ty's sad. I asked her why and she goes, He's crying. I asked why again and she just started busting out laughing! We think she has a little crush on him!
Can boys be sleeping beauties? Sean says no, but I disagree. Or actually, I really don't know what I'd call it. So for now, Cohen is a sleeping beauty/handsome.
And he is now a tummy sleeper. Since he's started rolling over, he's almost always sleeps on his tummy, if I put him in his crib awake.
(See the little sock on his right hand? He scratches the heck out of his head due to his cradle cap and also whenever he sleeps his hands are soooo cold, so socks have helped both of those things!)
Sean and I believe in letting our babes cry it out in order to help sleep train them. If you are one of those that must rock your baby or attend to every cry, then you are probably shaking your head at me or calling me a mean mom. Go for it! :) But this works great for us and as his parents, we feel we are doing what we need to do! As much as I love to snuggle with the little guy, I don't need him to wake up over and over again just to be snuggled with. When he sleeps better, he's happier. And the same for this momma. About 2 weeks ago, I noticed he was having trouble falling back to sleep after he woke up, normally about 6 hours after falling asleep. If he laid on me, he instantly fell asleep. If I then put him in his crib, he's instantly wake. No amount of patting him would get him back to sleep. So, Sean had last Friday off and we decided after he woke up and ate, we'd let him cry him self back to sleep if we needed to. And we did. And an hour later, and the poor boy was out. And it was hard, especially since we share a room with him right now. But since then it normally takes just a few minutes and he'll put himself back to sleep, if that. And that goes for naps too! So as much as it sucked, it has worked for us. We also started adding about 2 oz of formula to his night time bottle and that has helped him sleep about 2 hours longer, so now he's sleeping about 8 hours straight at night, gets up to eat, and back to sleep for about 4 more hours. I can not complain about that!!! And the reason we give him a night time bottle is because he has a hard time taking bottles, especially for Sean and I. If we go a couple days without giving him one, it is a big hassle for him to take one when he needs to. And with him going to the sitter here and there, I needed him to be able to take one regularly.
However, one of my favorites time of the day is when I have both of my babies in bed with me, snuggling first thing in the morning! Love.
I love sleep... and I hope Cohen does too! We did all these same things with Lyla and she's been a great sleeper! So hopefully Cohen will be the same way!
I got one of the biggest surprises of my life! I found out I was pregnant for the 2nd time!
And this sweet boy has changed our lives for the better in so many ways! And yesterday, 3 years ago, I found out I was pregnant! This sweet girl made us parents for the first time!
These 2 make my heart so happy!! And this just hit me... I found out that I was pregnant with each of them 2 years and 1 day apart... and their birthdays are 2 years and 1 day apart as well! Crazy!!
I have a ton to blog about so I'll start with some cute pictures of my babes! I'm pretty biased, but I LOVE them and think they are just the cutest! I love my sweet girl's little curls! Her hair is getting longer and the curls are "less curly". Makes me sad... I just love them!
I love this little boy...he's totally stolen my heart! I hold and snuggle with him all the time and I just love it. Truthfully, I may snuggle more with him then I did with Lyla.. He's a snuggler and Miss Lyla has never been.
On this particular day, it was super nice out so we got to play outside for a bit. I don't remember when this was, but I do know it was before Thanksgiving! Lyla loves to play with balls and play "superman" on them!
Isn't her jacket ADORABLE? We got it for her when we were up for the KU-Kstate game! I have one just like it but it's the blu one! She loves to wear this "toat"?
We got our tree tonight and will be decorating it tomorrow along with some other Christmas decor. We have been so busy that I haven't been in the mood much for decorating! Normally the tree is up right after Thanksgiving so we are about a week behind! Story of us lives right now!