July 12, 2010

OH busy day...

These past 4 days have flown....really flown. And believe me when I tell you....I accomplished maybe 5 things on my list.

And it was a lllooooonnnnnnggggg list. Really long.

Go me.

Never-the-less, I still had a fantabulous weekend and enjoyed it all. I was busy...just not productive, make a dent in my list, get everything I want done busy.

Today we have been go, go, go with errands, doc appts, and a play date. Oh, and my daughter is turning into a bully. She pinches, bites, and hits. Grrrreat. Is there such a thing as the terrible 11 month old?

But she is cute, right? Doesn't that make it better? At least for now?

Here's a video of her new favorite thing to do!

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