April 7, 2013

Baby Jay 3.0 - First appointment and randoms

My first appt was March 15th. I was 10 weeks! Besides medical info, we tried to hear the hear beat and after forever (or at least what it felt like) we found it! It was 175 and nice and strong! :) I was a nervous wreck and had started crying (which I have done TONS of this pregnancy). But things are good! 

On to the crying part - I have been crying at the weirdest things. For example, I have never really watched the show but with being so sick and on the couch I had watched just about everything on TV. Anyways, I would cry every time someone made it through to the next round. Literally every single time. And it wasn't just a few tears, it was the ugly cry face, sobbing to where Sean would laugh at me every time. Also, I've cried at the new show Splash. Again, ugly cry face. Along with those, people have been posting inspirational sport stories on Facebook and I have bawled at just about everyone of those as well. I like to call my some an emotional hot mess! :) 

Also, a little shout out to Sean. He has been amazing this pregnancy taking care of the house and kids every night after work! He's pretty great - most of the time! :)

Lyla is also VERY excited to be a big sister! It changes daily, but for the the most part we get a brother AND a sister. This better not happen as this is for sure the last time I'm pregnant! Cohen has no clue what is about to rock his world.