April 12, 2013

14 weeks - Baby Jay 3.0

How far along? 14 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain? still in the negatives. The most I was down was 6 lbs...now I'm around -3 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Just pants
Sleep?eh, depends on the day. I would sleep good if I didn't' have a 3 1/2 year old climbing in my bed in the middle of the night.
Best moment this week?My 2nd appt!
Miss anything?I really wanted a drink the other day - and besides sleep, thats it.
Movement? None
Food cravings? Nothing really, it'll change day to day. Carbs make me feel good!
Anything making you queasy/sick? Depends on the day. It could be anything from a smell in the fridge to absolutely nothing.
Gender? 5 weeks 4 days until we find out! But who is counting! :)
Labor Signs? Nope
Symptoms?Besides peeing all the time and normal stuff, nothing big.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody? Totally depends on the day. If i'm feeling good, then happy. If I feel bad, then moody.
Looking forward to? Not gagging every day.

Today was my appt and all is good! The babes heartbeat was 150 and super strong. I don't think I mentioned this before but I tested positive for group b strep. So that basically means, I have to be on an antibiotic when I deliver and we will have to stay in the hospital for 48 hours to observe the baby. That is the biggest bummer for me as we got to leave after 24 hours with Cohen and it was heaven. I don't sleep well in the hospital and I was super ready to just be home. Since I delivered without an epidural I was feeling great and it was so nice to leave. Now I get to be woken up every couple hours 2 nights in a row! :) Also, at my next appt we get to schedule our sono! :) Double yay!

And for the record, I totally feel like I'm having a girl. Every once in a while I'll feel like a boy, but for the most part, I really think it'll be a girl. This pregnancy is super similar to Lyla's - I feel gross, look gross, super sick and headaches all the time. That is just about how I felt during Lyla's pregnancy. With Cohen I felt great after the 1st tri and actually enjoyed the pregnancy a bit.

 Lyla will tell me some days she wants a sister and some a brother. Or she wants both! No can do sister! Today she said she wants a sister!

And a belly picture - my first one! Way behind on this game compared to the other 2! :) And I look HUGE. I'm not sure where this bump came from but it came out of the blue yesterday or today. I still have a LONG 26 weeks ahead of me (which I'm sure will become a fast 26 weeks) so this bump must slow down!