About 2 weeks ago, we bought a bike trailer off of Amazon so we could all go on bikes rides. And so far, this has been the best purchase! We've probably gone all at least 1 bike ride a day, as long as the weather has been nice! Most of the time Sean pulls them behind his new tri bike, but last night and pulled them for the first time and it wasn't so bad! They both love it! We've also started playing tennis together. Lyla got a racket for her 2nd birthday and so she's been "hitting" the ball too! Sean even said I'm better than he thought I would be! :) I guess that's a compliment! Ha!
This would be from their first ride! Piper got to go along! Cohen is actually crying because Piper was walking all over him! He does enjoy going for the rides!
Here's to a summer of rides! :)