The beginning of the week we had some awesome weather and spent most of the time outside! Sunday we went to the Home and Garden show in Russell and as we were leaving some guy gave
Lyla all these balloons and she was in heaven!
A little baby wearing... Love my ergo!
Love him!! While he's been a fuss bucket lately (teething and sickness), he can be such a happy baby!
Caught him sneaking away!
He army crawled his way out of his pants! The boy has got to get some chunk on him!
She's pretty excited she gets to ride her bike...though she hasn't quite figured out the pedaling!
Dressing daddy up again!
Pretty girl!
The Princess and her attire.
I got him some aviators - Adorable! We headed to the park and shades were in order!
Excited for the park! She looks so old in this picture!
Can't forget your sunnies! Love this!
Someone was super excited that Daddy joined us at the park!
And this little boy was too!
She is big into playing she was serving us food!
Part 2... a couple days in GB!