June 14, 2011

Prairiesta 2011

So if you're from Russell, Prairiesta is a BIG deal. Way big deal. Like people get excited to dress up like "prairie weeds" like Sonya likes to call them. Think old dresses and bonnets. Prairiesta only happens every 10 years, so this was the year. They started off some of the festivities with a 5k/10k fun run. Pretty much they didn't keep any one's time. Thanks to a handy Garmin, Sean timed his and beat his last 10 K time by almost 3 minutes! He did awesome! He got 3rd overall. His fans (Me & Lyla, his mom and nana and my parents) are so proud of him! We were able to see him run by 4 times, so that was nicer than the Eisenhower race where we got to see him start and finish.

Getting ready to start.

Starting the 2nd loop

Sean finishing the race!

We then headed to Meridy's for breakfast and then spent a total of 15 hours at Prairiesta that day. I don't think I've ever spent so much time in Russell before! But we had a great time. Part 2 to come! (Sean took a lot of pictures, so be prepared.)