February 14, 2009

2nd Tri

We are moving on up! Yesterday was the start of my 2nd trimester. This was my first milestone to reach because the chance of miscarriage goes down by a ton. Sorry so real stats for ya so I'm sticking with a ton. Our 2nd mileston will be 24 weeks. That is the week of viability.

Today could potentially be a very awesome day. Well it'll be awesome anyways but the fabulous Miss Kayla is going to do another sono today!!! Besides being able to see her and the baby again today, there's a small chance we might find out the sex. I'm trying to not get too excited so that way I'm not disappointed! Either way it'll be great because I'll get to see our "Baby Jay" again! :) What's better than that?

No big plans for Sean and I for *Heart* day. I'm planning on cooking him dinner and then we'll watch a movie. Nice and simple. Just perfect!

Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. You haven't called but I'm putting my money on a GIRL!


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