May 30, 2008

It's the Weekend!!!!

TGIF! I couldn't be happier! I absolutely love the wk.ends! Two friends of ours - Matty & Sara- are coming up tonight so we can hang out with them for a bit! Other than that, it'll be cleaning, house things, and naps for me this wk.end!!!

I thought I'd post a picture from Sean's birthday! And a picture of the dog bed I sewed for Miss Reese! She's so stinkin' cute! :)

Well, hope everyone has a great wk.end! Here's to getting a tan finally!

Andrea & Sean


  1. Great party Andrea! I'm so impressed you kept it a secret! I'd never have made it. Your blog is awesome. You'll have to show me how to add the play list and those extra pics on the side sometime...with a glass or two of wine...

  2. Sounds good!!!! You know I'm a wino! Maybe this time we shouldn't get 3 bottles so we aren't tempted!!! :) Thanks for coming Saturday!


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